
How much does a Magician cost?
Important questions for organizing your Event!

First understand your profession to understand the price of a magician

  • His Experience (Number of years of public practice, customer reviews, etc.)
  • His notoriety and popularity (TV, Shows) : A magician who has less visibility or experience on TV or internationally will surely be less expensive than the magician who has created his reputation in the different media.
  • An artist, He works in representation but especially before and outside of shows.
    Creation of new magic tricks / Dexterity training / Improvement / Originality / Staging, this represents a lot of personal investment of time and money to renew regularly.

Maxence is a true artist for the French state, he is an intermittent Professional Magician of the Show since 2013.

The pure Artist is a person who voluntarily chooses the intermittent status of the unique show in the world which allows artists with a capital A to concentrate solely on art and emotion and live from their passion. So he has no business and cannot directly invoice you on his behalf.
It is employed in the form of a fixed-term contract of use or with an artist’s stamp.

Two possible options

Either it does not charge you because you yourself become the direct employer for the duration of the event thanks to a system called GUSO. But this involves you declaring the artist yourself and paying his salary and charges. It’s not complicated but takes a little time.

Either it goes through a production company with a show license which will be able to help you
invoice directly and who will take care of the mandatory formalities to work legally.

If a production company gives you a quote or an invoice, it includes the artist’s salary, charges, VHR and expenses linked to the services, management costs (professional insurance/declarations).

Please note that the artist’s net salary takes into account the performance of the big day, but also the essential expenses to ensure a quality service and effective communication to continue to find new contracts.

  • A website has a cost as well as its maintenance but remains essential to be able to work.
  • Additional costs, such as dry cleaning to arrive presentable for each service, the purchase of consumables such as card games, confetti …
  • Maintenance of professional equipment (Microphone, sound system, lights, etc.)

What makes a magician’s price vary?

  • Notoriety and experience (an experienced magician is a guarantee of security and will necessarily be higher in his price than a less experienced magician. But he will surely adapt and offer you magic that will best suit your event because the more experience we have, the more we know how to adapt)
    Notoriety is acquired through awards or media appearances. (So ​​by seeing the images you will be certain of the quality and energy of the magician. But also you will be assured that he has a strong capacity to manage stress and unforeseen events.
  • The number of guests in your evening
  • The type of service requested (close-up requires less logistics than a show or stage act which may require higher production costs, technical teams, more imposing equipment, sound system, medium or large illusions.
  • The distance to travel between the artist’s place of residence and your place of performance. A service in Ile de France where Maxence Vire currently resides will always be cheaper in terms of travel costs than a service outside. (Expenses for km by car, train or plane ticket, accommodation)

I found a professional Magician cheap or cheaper so why take Maxence?

  • Law of the Market of supply and demand, indeed we can always find cheaper… sometimes we bitterly regret afterwards.
  • Any field equals price competition (Restaurant, services, brands) Take the example of a hotel. You can very well find a hotel for around fifty euros per night, but would you have the same quality and comfort of services as a hotel for around one hundred euros per night?
  • An undeclared service (with all the risks you take because you are responsible just as much as the magician in the event of a problem or accident).
  • Possible that it is not the main activity but an additional salary for the magician who offers you less… But if it is not his main activity why?
  • The magician considers himself less legitimate by the quality of his work to ask more than a more experienced person.
  • A person who can turn you down at the last moment for a more attractive offer and will offer you someone other than him but will guarantee you the same quality of magic… or worse will not offer you anything in return.

With Maxence you will be guaranteed a quality entertainment or show. Serenity, assured success and you will leave incredible memories with your guests.

Remember quality at a certain price, it’s up to you to choose which one suits you…